+38 (044) 574-64-11


30 Bazhana Prospect, of.8, Kyiv


E-bulletin Key to Funding
Key to funding 111

Dear colleagues!

As usual, here you can find the up-date list of new calls for proposals from regionals and international donors and some informaions about institutions providing financial support to Ukrainian NGOs

We try to be useful for you. Best wishes!

KTF Editorial board

CCC Creative Center is glad to present you with the electronic bulletin Key to Funding from CCC for April 2013

Dear colleagues! 
CCC Creative Center is glad to present you with the electronic bulletin Key to Funding from CCC for April 2013. 
As usual, here you can find the up-date list of new calls for proposals from Ukrainian and international donors and some informaions about institutions providing financial support to Ukrainian NGOs. For those who are interested in calls of proposals of European Union, it will be useful to read about it in our rubrique “They are working for you”.

We try to be useful for you. Best wishes!
KTF Editorial board